Electronic Callsheet™


The Electronic Callsheet™ is an integrated film production management system that provides instant access to all of the items on a callsheet, plus any additional information that you may need.

Electronic Callsheet Information Example

 Information is stored in an easy to understand and use relational database.

 Information is instantly available via the Electronic Callsheet™ terminal.

Electronic Callsheet Instant Notification


  Cast and crew members are instantly notified of schedule changes

Electronic Callsheet Automatic Rescheduling

The Electronic Callsheet™ connects the cast and crew


To receive a detailed Electronic Callsheet™ PowerPoint presentation or schedule a demonstration, contact:

Email:         callsheet@global-concepts-inc.com

Phone:       +40 (0) 93 580 223

Fax:           +40 (0) 93 111 161



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Ó2000 Global Concepts Inc.

Updated:    05 June 2000